Powys County Council is beginning a review of its Polling districts and polling places, link to live consultation below.
English: https://www.haveyoursaypowys.wales/review-of-polling-districts-and-polling-places-stations-2024
Welsh: https://www.dweudeichdweudpowys.cymru/ddosbarthiadau-etholiadol-a-mannau-gorsafoedd-pleidleisio-2024
We would be grateful if you could help raise awareness of the review in your communities. We would also like to hear from your Town or Community Council and members if there are any issues.
Any person or organisation wishing to make representations on the current electoral arrangements of polling districts, polling places or concerning the accessibility of polling stations can complete the online submission form or email electoral.services@powys.gov.uk. Representations, if possible, should include suggested alternative premises which may be used for polling purposes.
Representations must be received by 08/03/2024
I would like to clarify, that the boundaries of the local authority or community council’s will NOT be part of the review process, this is a review of polling arrangements.
Sandra Matthews
Electoral Services